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Handbook for successful ageing - Contents


Dr. Hans-Eugen Schulze,
Judge of the Federal Court of Justice rtd.
  Age-group 1922 

Handbook for successful ageing

Title of the original edition: "Ratgeber für erfolgreiches Altern"
State July 2011


Appeals to my readers


1. Have a healthy diet

1.1 Glycaemic index

1.2 Nutritional panel

1.3 Frequency of eating

1.4 Ingredients

            1.4.1 Fat

            1.4.2 Proteins

            1.4.3 Cholesterol

            1.4.4 Carbohydrates

            1.4.5 Dietary fibre

            1.4.6 Mediterranean food

            1.4.7 Preservation of vitamins and secondary plant products

1.5 Drinking

1.6 Free radicals and antioxidants

1.7 “Five times a day”

1.8 Salt, spices and industrially produced food

1.9 Nutritional supplement

            1.9.1 Magnesium

            1.9.2 Calcium and vitamin D3

            1.9.3 Beer yeast pills

            1.9.4 Zinc

            1.9.5 Selenium

            1.9.6 Rhodiola rosea (roseroot)

1.9.7 Hawthorn extract

1.9.8 Resveratrol

1.9.9 Other nutritional supplements

2. Reduce possible overweight!

2.1 General

            2.1.1 Body mass index and other methods for the measurement of a healthy weight

            2.1.2 Reasons for gaining weight

            2.1.3 Consequences of overweight/ obesity

            2.1.4 Underweight

2.2 Tips for slimming without a diet

            2.2.1 Preliminary remarks

            2.2.2 The following suggestions have proved themselves

2.3 Postscripts

3. Do full-body sports!

3.1 General

3.2 Preparation for your training

3.3 Exercises

            3.3.1 Index

            3.3.2 The gymnastics programme 1.-47.

            3.3.3 My Galileo™ exercise programme 1.-11.

3.3.4 After the exercises

4. Handle your back carefully!

5. Keep your spirit awake!

Preliminary remarks

5.1 Look for companionship with other people!

5.2 Even better: accept challenges in seniority and structure your retirement that way!

5.3 Stimulate your brain!

5.4 Do mental activation training!

5.5 Further advice

6. Become an optimist, if you are not one, yet! Think positively!

7. Avoid stress as far as possible!

8. Deal mindfully with yourself and other people!

9. Become responsible patients!

Preliminary remarks

9.1 Deal responsibly with your physicians, dentists and alternatice doctors!

9.2 Manage your medication correctly!

9.3 Diseases and symptoms

9.3.1 Coronary heart disease (CHD), angina pectoris and heart attack

9.3.2 Stroke, TIA and prophylaxis of arrhythmia

Additionally to No. 1 and 2: in-house emergency call and metabolic syndrome

9.3.3. Most frequent eye diseases in old age Cataract Glaucoma Retinal detachment Diabetic retinopathy Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) Ocular infarction What to do when glasses are not sufficient anymore?

9.3.4 Hardness of hearing

9.3.5 Danger of falling down

9.3.6 Skin diseases Skin cancer Skin hornification Skin drying

9.3.7 Hypertension

9.3.8 Large intestine cancer

9.3.9 Cervix cancer

9.3.10 Prostatic hyperplasia

9.3.11 Gallstones

9.3.12 Stomach trouble and bowel complaint Nervous stomach, irritable colon, stomach or intestinal ulcers Heartburn  (reflux disease) Lactose intolerance Fructose intolerance

9.3.13 Increased blood sugar

9.3.14 Increased cholesterol level (Hypercholesterolemia)

9.3.15 Urine components as indication of disease

9.3.16 Urge to urinate

9.3.17 Constipation

9.3.18 Diarrhoea

9.3.19 Muscle cramps

9.3.20 Temporary reduction of energy

9.3.21 Globe feeling

9.3.22 Articular gout

9.3.23 Damage to the intervertebral disc

9.3.24 Thrombosis and pulmonary embolism

9.3.25 Peripheral arterial disease (PAD/ intermittent claudication/ smoker’s leg)

9.3.26. Difficulty in falling asleep and staying asleep

9.3.27 Precautions when travelling into foreign countries

9.3.28 Slowing down of wound healing and retrieval of the former strength after an injury, respectively a severe illness in old age

9.4 Care for housemates as professionally as possible!

9.5 Handle housemates who suffer from dementia sensitively!

9.6 Anomalies in case of loss of sight

9.6.1 At the doctor’s place

9.6.2 In hospital and related institutions

9.6.3 Sleeping disorder

9.6.4 Nightly urge to urinate - urine check

9.6.5 Phantom perceptions - optic hallucinations = Charles-Bonnet syndrome

9.6.6 Some advice for working in the internet with assistance without assistance

9.7 Some advice for the differentiation of and the dealing with medication and nutritional supplement

1. Pills

2. Suppositories

3. Ointments

4. Drops

9.8 Some advice for the ideal usage of the eyesight by visually impaired people

9.8.1 Enlarging visual aid

9.8.2 Good illumination

9.8.3 Rehabilitation trainer

9.8.4 Contrasts

9.8.5 Optimal reading

10. Provide in case of inability of agreement!

10.1 Health care proxy

10.2 Living will


The full document can be downloaded here! (Size: 786 kB; Count downloads: 7370; Last download at: 13.02.2025)


Appendices to the German version, not being translated into English


1. Does it make any sense to become old? (Macht es einen Sinn, alt zu werden?), Prof. em. Dr. Horst Georg Pöhlmann, Zeitzeichen August 2005 (Sorry. This file does not exist any more.)

2. Lifelong learning - An instructional manual for the brain (Lebenslanges Lernen - Eine Gebrauchsanleitung fürs Gehirn), Prof. Dr. Große-Ruyken, a lecture given in Freiburg (Sorry. This file does not exist any more.)

3. Report about Roswitha Masuch from “Geistig fit“ (“Mentally fit“) (Sorry. This file does not exist any more.)

4. Glaucoma (Der Grüne Star - das Glaukom), Director Prof. Dr. med. W. Lieb, Dr. F. Gora, ophthalmic clinic of the St. Vincentius hospitals, Karlsruhe (Sorry. This file does not exist any more.)

5. The age-depending macular degeneration and its therapy (Die altersabhängige Makuladegeneration und ihre Therapie), Director Prof. Dr. med. W. Lieb, Dr. med. Andrea Wissmann, ophthalmic clinic of the St. Vincentius hospitals, Karlsruhe (Sorry. This file does not exist any more.)

6. Living with the macular degeneration (Leben mit der Maculadegeneration), Senior Physician Dr. Christine Stamm, information centre for visually impaired, Berlin (Sorry. This file does not exist any more.)

7. Falling of elder people (Stürze bei älteren Menschen), Dr. med. Brigitte R. Metz, lecture Diakonissen hospital Karlsruhe-Rüppurr (Sorry. This file does not exist any more.)

8. Visual phantom perceptions of visually impaired and blind people (Visuelle 
Phantomwahrnehmungen bei sehbehinderten und blinden Menschen), Oliver Nadig, diploma thesis
(Size: 4.11 MB; Count downloads: 33199; Last download at: 13.02.2025)






