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Handbook for successful ageing - 3.3.3 - 3.3.4


3.3.3 My GalileoTM- exercise programme


When I practice with the GalileoTM (see footnote 2) I don’t practice with loose knees, as recommended by the manufacturer, but I straighten my knees and bend my head. Like this you can also avoid transmission of the vibrations to the head, while the exercises work on the body up to the shoulders. Since I practice on a high frequency 6 minutes respectively I give my muscles 48 hours to recover afterwards.

I train according to the following programme:

1. I tilt the pelvis back and forth.

2. I arch and then hollow my back.

3. I bend my knees, however only until the upper and the lower legs form a right angle, according to the recommendation of the manufacturer.

4. I roll my feet to the inner edges, so that the knees touch, and the outer edges alternately.

5. I tilt the pelvis to the left, the torso to the right and roll the feet to the left edges.

6. I stand on the toes and the heels.

7. I tilt the torso to the left and stretch the right arm to the left.

8. I tilt the torso to the left and stretch the right arm to the left overhead.

9. I extend the arms to the sides and turn the torso to the left and the right with a swing.

10. I stand on one foot parallel to the front and the back edge in the middle of the device, i.e. on both sides at the same time and hold my equilibrium.

11. Finally, standing on both sides again, I straighten the knees and let the torso and the arms hang loose.

I never practice right before going to bed, since the training increases the blood flow to the brain and it therefore takes longer to fall asleep.


Footnote 2


GalileoTM - in your case "Basic" - is a device on which you stand and which stimulates all muscles up to the back, even the inner ones, with the help of the fast alternating vibrations of the divided top (?).

It only measures about 65x48x12 cm. If you put it on a mat that can be rolled to each side, you can even set it up in the living room.

Ask the manufacturer to demonstrate you the device at home and to send you their literature CD ( ). If you like the device for starters you can rent it for 6 months; the rent will be set off against the purchase price later on.

If you are afraid of losing your balance during the training, place the device next to a wall, at a distance of approximately 30cm, and fix to handles -which you can get at a sanitary supplies store- to the wall; one higher on the wall for the standing exercises, and the other one lower on the wall, for the exercises where you let your torso hang loose. You can also hang the remote control on the upper handle.

Proven results of the training are, according to the manufacturer:

- An increase of the performance and strengths of the muscles,

- a shorter recovery period after sports injuries,

- an improvement of the coordinate abilities,

- a reduction of the risk of falling down,

- the loosening of muscle tensions,

- the reduction of back pain,

- an improvement of the suppleness and flexibility,

- the removal or reduction of incontinence caused by distress (issuing urine linked with physical effort, laughing, coughing or sneezing),

- a stimulation of the circulation,

- an improvement of the treatment of Parkinson’s/ spasticity and paresis (partial paralyses, limpnesses or impairments) and

- an increase of the stability of the bones.


3.3.4 After the exercises

With the drive and the ability to concentrate you have obtained, and with your brain fully supplied with blood, you can start the new day!

If for once you don’t have much time, just half the amount of exercises, and if you have even less time you should at least do the run in order to increase your heart rate and to make sure you brain is fully supplied with blood.

Since muscles consist of water and proteins, you now need a particulary great amount of proteins (see above, 1.3). After the menopause womens’ ability to store proteins from food in their muscles is smaller than the ability of men of the same age; therefore their diet has to be richer in proteins. The same is true for all of you, if you are of an older age already.

Following this, you should use every opportunity to take the bike instead of the car, and to climb the stairs instead of using the elevator. If you have a certain destination and can choose your speed, you should walk fast. If you go to work using public transport means, and you still have time in the end, get off one stop before your actual stop. If you use your car, and again if you still have enough time, you should park as far from your workplace as possible. Go for a quick walk after lunch or look for an opportunity to take a short nap (see below, 9.3.1). If you have the opportunity to run, go walking or swim you should make use of it all the same. Get yourself a dog, like this you are more or less forced to go outside and be active, and you even have company. Buy a comfortable step-counter (pedometer). Experience shows that this spurs you on to become more active. You can register the number of your steps every day and at the weekend you can catch up with what you have missed out on during the week, according to your objectives. All this may not replace daily whole-body exercise, but it is very helpful for your heart, prevents varicose veins, strengthens your immune system and acts as an antioxidant (see above, 1.6). According to an American study, cyclists and pedestrians were not only slimmer, but also had a lower blood pressure, a lower plasma lipid concentration and better sugar counts. Cycling and walking also causes you to be outside, in the fresh air a lot, where it is a lot lighter than in closed rooms, even if the weather is very bad. This leads to the production of serotonin, which puts you in a better mood.





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