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.Handbook for successful ageing - 9.3 - 9.3.1
9.3 Diseases and symptoms
9.3.1 Coronary heart disease (CHD), angina pectoris and heart attack
The CHD occurs due to the deposit of cholesterol in the coronary arteries. It is a precursor to Angina Pectoris and heart attack. A Parodontitis, migraine and aircraft noise also increase the CHD risk. Below, in section 9.3.7, you will find advice on how to deal with it. Women who sleep less than 7 hours also have a higher CHD risk.
The CHD can be prevented not only by healthy eating (refer to 1) and a lot of physical exercise (see above, 3), but also as meanwhile proven by clinical studies , by an short afternoon nap (power-napping), as it reduces the heart-damaging stress.
If you get tired after lunch but you don’t have the opportunity to rest, try to sleep in the "chair", by keeping the forearms on the thighs and letting the upper body hang in front, or by keeping the arms on the table and resting the head on them. Breathe in and breathe out deeply several times, and only after a few seconds start relaxing or do autogenic training. Do not fight your natural exhaustion after lunch by having cigarettes (refer to 1.6).
Don’t sleep more than half an hour however, even if you have the time, since then you could sleep deeply and long, which won’t help you to get through the rest of the day, but might make it harder for you to fall asleep in the evening.
It can help you relax if you do a self-review about what you accomplished in the morning. If you are Christian, you could thank god for all the successes and submit into his hands everything that did not go very well. The same is valid for the prayer before going to bed every night.
A heart attack results in the destruction of a part of the heart muscles as a result of a long circulatory disorder and the related lack of oxygen. The main risk factors are too much LDL, which can result in arteriosclerosis, overweight, lack of exercise, stress and burnout, nicotine, diabetes, gout, blood pressure as well as a genetic assessment.
The most alarming warning signs are shortage of air with unrest, a feeling of uncomfortableness and anxiety upto fear of death. Additional warning signs include pain in the rib cage, in an arm, mostly the left or in the shoulder area, inexplicable, seizure-like periodic pain in the upper part of the stomach, the back, neck or jaw. Above all, this appears after stress, morning sickness, attacks of weakness or even unconsciousness, paling of the facial color, and cold sweat. The symptoms can vary a great deal. Women in most cases only experience back ache or pain in the right arm, in the lower jaw or the upper belly and do not suspect that the pain is caused by a heart attack. Sometimes there is no pain at all. In this case women only experience difficulties in breathing or extreme tiredness or nausea.
There are also "mute" heart attacks. They primarily occur in elderly people and people suffering from diabetes, for in both groups of people, the natural sensitivity of the nerves to pain, among other things, also in the heart, is reduced owing to age and illness. Therefore, consider general symptoms seriously.
If the symptoms last only for a few minutes, instead of a heart attack, it could also be an Angina-pectoris attack caused by lack of oxygen. In order to prevent and treat such an attack, your doctor can prescribe you a nitrogenas compound. Via receptacle extension, it reduces the oxygen consumption of the heart muscles and appears antispasmodic. If the symptoms last longer than ten minutes, or if the nitrogenase compound is no longer effective, it could then be a possible heart attack or another fatal ailment.
In case of a heart attack or suspicion thereof, in Germany call 112 immediately and ask for an ambulance with a doctor, who will begin treating you during the drive to the hospital. The same is valid for the rest of Europe; and you can also use your cell phone, even if you do not have any money on your prepaid card. You do not need a dialling code.
Following the initial Angina-pectoris attack or a heart attack, consult a specialist for cardiology. As a man, you should do this at the earliest once you experience erektile dysfunction, since it can announce a heart attack in advance.
Additionally, enquire from your doctor as to whether you require more magnesium now (refer to 1.9.1).
If you have another risk patient living with you, take part in a first-aid course in order to learn how to handle the patient until you reach the ambulance. In any case, keep the upper body up until the doctor arrives.
The endocarditis, the heart muscles and heart sack can inflame. You can however speak with your doctor about it.
Details are available on the Internet.
By the way, persons who are happy and satisfied are less likely to get a heart attack than persons who don’t feel so good. It is more or less your choice if you belong to the first or the second group of people, as it is mainly a question of the inner attitude.